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molybdenum boat

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Molybdenum boat

Details of  molybdenum boat:

Grade: Mo1 MoLa TZM

Purity: Molybdenum Mo≥99.95% Alloy≥99.1%

Density: ≥10.2g/cm3

Molybdenum boats are mainly used in coating technology, electronic industry, power engineering and other fields.

Molybdenum boats are made of molybdenum sheets or molybdenum-based alloys by welding or high-temperature stamping,

which has the characteristics of high melting point and good creep resistance. In the field of coating technology, as an indispensable

accessory of vacuum coating equipment, molybdenum boat is used to hold the material to be plated, and the selection of evaporation

boat determines the quality of the coating. In the field of electronic industry, molybdenum boats can be used in processes such as capacitor

sintering. In the field of power engineering, molybdenum boats can be used in processes such as nuclear fuel sintering. In addition, molybdenum

boats can also be used as reduction and sintering vessels, and are widely used in metallurgy, chemical and other industries

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