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Low Temperature Nitinol Wire For Glasses

What is nitinol wire? Nitinol wire is a nickel titanium metal alloy wire, It can also be called Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) wire. It mainly with 2 types:superelastic type and shape memory type AF temperature of nitinol wire for glasses: -10~10℃

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What is nitinol wire?

Nitinol wire is a nickel titanium metal alloy wire, It can also be called Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) wire.

It mainly with 2 types:superelastic type and shape memory type

AF temperature of nitinol wire for glasses: -10~10℃


Cold-Worked, Annealed
SurfacesBlack Oxide, Mechanically Polished, Ultrafine Polished
SizeDiameters from 0.02mm to 3 mm 
Lengthcoiled or straight
PackingPlywood or carton boxes

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